Finalists of OSA Award
經過一連串的挑選,17 名入圍學生藝術家將於 5 月 25 日(週六)與評審會面。 「最傑出學生藝術家」和「傑出藝術學生領袖」將於 2019 年 10 月參觀第 58 屆「威尼斯雙年展」! 得獎名單已於 2019 年 8 月 24 日(週六)舉行的頒獎典禮上公佈。此外,在頒奬典禮上,「最傑出學生藝術家」及「傑出藝術學生領袖」的提名教師及學校分別獲頒港幣 1000 元 及獎牌作為獎勵,以表揚他們對獎項的支持。
After series of selection, 17 finalists are short-listed for the interview on 25 May (Sat) with the Judge Panel.
The Best Outstanding Student Artists & The Best Student Art Leader will be sponsored to visit the 58th Venice Biennale in Oct 2019!!!
Winners were announced at the Prize Giving Ceremony on 24 August 2019 (Sat). In addition, the nominating teachers and schools of “The Best Outstanding Student Artists” and “The Outstanding Student Art Leader” were presented with cash prize of HK$1000 and trophies respectively to recognise their support to the award during the ceremony. Te
The Outstanding Student Artist Award of Hong Kong (OSA Award) was established in 2015. This year is the second installment of the award cycle, with each cycle taking place once every two years.
The OSA Award was founded by a diverse group of professionals in the art industry. The aim is to encourage students to develop their individuality and creativity by putting an emphasis on experimentation and the process of creating. Student portfolios are an integral part of the selection. The jury panel consists of art practitioners and educators from a variety of creative fields.
The Student Artists Public Exhibition creates a platform where students from different schools are able to participate in the exchange of ideas. Eventually, this creative exchange can continue through the OSA Alumni community. view more