OSA Award Alumni (OSAA)

1st OS HA! certificate by OSA Alumni Committee
Unlike many other student art awards, OSA values the artistic growth of talented student artists. The OSA Alumni (OSAA) was founded in 2015 under the leadership of the 1st OSA Alumni. The OSAA aims to unite, groom and develop outstanding students shortlisted from past OSA Awards, who will have the opportunities to participate in and organize a wide variety of art-related events and activities. Through the strong bonding among the student artists from all years, they will promote, encourage and inspire artistic exchange by supporting one another in their careers. We sincerely hope to nurture these young promising students into future stars and champions in arts, creative and cultural-related industries. OSA Award is a real experience which gives outstanding talents to shape their dreams!!
The alumni have been actively participating in different art events since 2015. Besides going to exhibitions and art fairs, such as Art Basel and Art Central, we met local artists from artist talks and exhibitions. As the Alumni Committee is finally launched, we look forward to organizing more exciting activities in the future; this would include more exhibition visits, gatherings and even life drawing sessions and peer gatherings.
2019 香港傑出學生藝術家學生會成員
2019 OSAA Committee :
召集人 Convener
林文婷 Lam Man Ting, Vanessa
秘書 Secretary
麥穎嫻 Mak Wing Han, Wing
袁金枝 Yuen Kam Chi, Angie
活動籌劃 Event Planner
郭芷菁 Kwok Tsz Ching, Shakti
黃嘉怡 Wong Ka Yi, Bethany
宣傳 Promotion
陳極彰 Chan Kik Cheung, Matthew
張穎詩 Cheung Wing See, Kitty
梁瑞烜 Leung Shui Huen, Athena
盧漢泉 Lo Hon Chuen, Jonathan
聯絡 Coordination
(2015 年舊生 Alumni)
廖諱衡 Liu Wai Hang, Ticko
岑晞彤 Shum Hei Tung, Adrienne
(2017 年舊生 Alumni)
楊可兒 Yeung Ho Yi, Coco
葉昕 Yip Yan, Anthea
活動安排 Logistic Support
畢若嵐 Bih Yeuk Nam, Evelyn
陳極彰 Chan Kik Cheung, Matthew
廖諱衡 Liu Wai Hang, Ticko
盧漢泉 Lo Hon Chuen, Jonathan
羅薇 Luo Wei, Grace
葉昕 Yip Yan, Anthea
技術支援 Technical Support
曾浩霖 Tsang Haolin, Wesley
(排名按英文姓氏序 In Alphabetical Order)

1st OSA alumni Art Basel 2017 visit
1st OSA alumni Art Basel 2017 visit

1st OSA alumni Art Basel 2017 visit
1st OH SA!

1st OS HA! certificate
Designed by Jonathan Lo (2015 Alumni)
1st OS SA! winner 郭芷菁 Kwok Tsz Ching, Shakti
2nd OH SA!
2nd OS SA! winner 歐宛汶 Albino Rene Esther Wu
OH SA! 得主是由OSA舊生會經過獨特的準則來決定。有別於OSA Award,獎項是由通過審視自己作品作出反思作考量因素。希望在創作熱情中亦能抱不同觀念看待自己作品,豐富作品和提昇個人對思考的全面性。
OH SA! winner is chosen by OSA Alumni Committee in special criteria. On contrary with OSA Award, the standard on OH SA! is established through the performance of student reviewing their work. We hope they can be introversive to do art and experience art and to enhance their thinking way comprehensively.