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第四屆 香港傑出學生藝術家奬  
4th Outstanding Student Artists Award

(Please scroll down for English)


本港第五波新冠肺炎疫情一月開始爆發,至今形勢十分嚴峻,並影響到所有人的工作及生活。同時,教育局於2月28日宣佈本學年一系列特別安排,包括全港學校最遲於3月17日前放假。鑑於目前情況,及未來數月不確定因素,Art-at-all籌委會經過審慎討論後, 決定將「第四屆香港傑出學生藝術家獎」延至2023年初舉行。





Postponement of the 4th Outstanding Student Artist Award of Hong Kong to 2023

The fifth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong started in January is still rampant, affecting our lives and work in unprecedented ways. Meanwhile, the Education Bureau announced on February 28 a series of special arrangements for the current school year. All local schools will have to begin their summer breaks no later than March 17. In view of the current situation and the uncertainties in the coming months, the Art-at-all Organising Committee has decided to postpone the 4th Outstanding Student Artist Award of Hong Kong to early 2023.

The Award aims to offer secondary school students chances to explore and develop their creative path through participation in exhibitions and overseas experiences. We hope that next year when the local and international environment returns to a relatively stable state, the Award will continue to be a community force and an artistic companion for the next generation of Hong Kong. We would like to thank you all for your understanding, especially teachers who have submitted nomination forms and we look forward to your continued support next year.

Stay safe and keep healthy!

Art-at-all Organising Committee

10 March 2022

2021 OSA Award Opencall Poster_v2 (EN).png
2021 OSA Award Opencall Poster_v2 (CH).png
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