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Art Futures Award 2023

art-at-all於2008年成立,今年迎來了第15個年頭。我們於2015年創辦兩年一屆的「香港傑出學生藝術家獎」”The Outstanding Student Artist Award of Hong Kong” (即OSA Award)。今年2023年,我們與香港浸會大學視覺藝術院AVA共同攜手籌辦了進階2.0版的 OSA Award ,即 Art Futures Asia.

同是兩年一屆的「Art Futures Award」,邀請了全亞洲的藝術學院和大學畢業生參與,並獲得了來自亞洲各國70多所藝術學院和大學的140多個提名。最終選出了六位優秀的亞洲年輕學生藝術家及2名來香港的年輕學生藝術家進入決賽名單。

Art Futures Award頒獎禮於2023年12月20日在香港浸會大學視覺藝術院的啟德校園已完滿舉行。評審團成員包括國際知名藝術家 奈良美智、侯瀚如、Zoe Butt和陳育強等知名人士,他們都出席了頒獎典禮。最終,日本年輕藝術家Erina Yoshimura榮獲第一名,而唯一進入決賽的香港藝術家 劉彥希則取得第二名。進入決賽6位學生藝術家的作品,現已在「浸會大學視覺藝術院」啟德校園展出至2024年1月14日,歡迎參觀。

再次感謝大家15年來對art-at-all的支持。我們將繼續致力舉辦OSA Award和Art Futures Award。這兩個獎項將以梅花間竹形式隔年舉行,推動和支持香港及亞洲年輕藝術家的發展。

art-at-all was established in 2008 and is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. Since “The Outstanding Student Artist (OSA) Award of Hong Kong" was established in 2015, it is held every two years. In 2023, in collaboration with the Academy of Visual Arts (AVA) of the Hong Kong Baptist University, we co-present an upgraded version of the OSA Award: the "Art Futures Award." It invites art graduates from universities and art schools across Asia to participate. We received over 140 nominations from more than 70 art institutions in Asia, and ultimately selected six outstanding young student artists as the finalists.

The prize giving ceremony of the Art Futures Award was successfully held on 20 December 2023 at the Hong Kong Baptist University's AVA Kai Tak Campus. The judge panel includes renowned figures such as Yoshitomo Nara, Hou Hanru, Zoe Butt, and Kurt Chan, who all attended the award ceremony. In the end, young Japanese artist Erina Yoshimura won the first prize, while Hong Kong artist Lau Jin-Ki (who is also the only Hong Kong artist to enter the top six) received the second award. The artworks of the finalists are now exhibited at the AVA Hong Kong Baptist University's Kai Tak campus until January 14, 2024.

We would like to express our gratitude for your continuous support to art-at-all. We will endeavor to dedicate ourselves in organizing the OSA Award and the Art Futures Award, which will be held biennially in alternate years, to promote and support the development of young artists in Hong Kong and Asia.


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