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2024 年度入圍學生藝術家

Outstanding Student Artist of 2024 - Finalist​s

(排名按英文姓氏序 In Alphabetical order)

2024 年度入圍學生藝術家
Outstanding Student Artist of 2024 - Finalist​

陳美喬 CHEN Meiqiao

沙田蘇浙公學 Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin)


I always think I am just an ordinary artist that can be found anywhere. I create artworks that aims to bring light to the world. Thus, I hope to deliver happiness or hope from my works, even though the effect may be small.

IMG_2760 - Plastic Shark.png

"Beyond School 學校之外"

學校雖為學生生涯相當重要的一環,但並不是全部。 這份作品的受眾為被學業所困的學生,通過描繪放學路上所見的彩色雲彩和巨大的海洋生物來表達學校與成績並不是一切,而世界很大,人生路還很長,不妨慢下來,看看學校以外的世界。

 As students, my friends are often overwhelmed by different kinds of pressure from school. Therefore, I drew the rainbow coloured clouds I see everyday after school and the huge and marvellous creatures under sea to deliver the message that school is only a small part of our lives and sometimes, it is better for us to put away our identity as students to look at this beautiful world beyond school.

ST041_1st_Beyond School_ 122cm_81cm_Acry

"Beyond School". Acrylic on canvas. 122cm x 81cm

"Passing the Torch 傳遞火炬"



Passing The Torch I wanted to discuss humanity and duality of kindness, as such a great quality can bring both happiness and disasters. fire represents kindness, it can bring civilisation and hope but also can be used for evil purposes.I hope to express that we should remember to protect ourselves from malice, yet never give up of passing the torch of kindness.

"Passing the Torch". Animation. 2_29 seconds. 16:9

2024 年度入圍學生藝術家
Outstanding Student Artist of 2024 - Finalist​

關智遠 KWAN Chi Yuen

東華三院吳祥川紀念中學 TWGHs SCGaw Memorial College


I started drawing since I was a kid, I don't like to be as same as others so I always prefer finding some movies or games which are interesting but not very popular to look for inspiration, such as monsters in Shin Megami Tensei, artist put his own understandings into the original myth and fairy tales to create a brand new image, Which is the way I'm following. Also I watch different movies to train my taste personally but not similar to most of people.

IMG-20240514-WA0004 - 鬼箱.jpg

"The Shadow 影子裡"


This project shows a office worker who is tired and sitting on the stairs in the back alley.In the morning of a day,people put on a mask and act like the character that others want them to be,because they don't want to be like a outsider,but they know that it is not what they actually are,so they can just show their tiredness when nobody can see them.

ST118_1st_Relax for a while_2023_Marker Pen_297 x 420mm.jpg

"The Shadow" 2023 . Marker Pen. 297 x 420mm

"Courageux 勇者無懼"



The project is based on a paint that Claude Monet’s created in his early stage called”La Japonaise”,and I changed the woman into a skullike creature who was holding a katana,and the word from the back means“brave”because I believe that brave is the most important behavior of a semerai,even until death.

ST118_2nd_向迪加斯致敬-勇者無懼_2023_Acrylic on paper_420 x 594 mm.jpg

"Courageux". 2023. Acrylic on paper. 420 x 594 mm

"Death and Reborn 死與新生"

作品是以連環圖的形式表達,名稱是"死與新生",故名思義是關於人在死後與新生之間的事情,而場景的沙漠則是在暗示死亡在心理意義上所象徵的荒蕪。死神參考西方的宗教傳說中代表死亡的灰馬騎士,放映機的枝條就像寄生蟲一般已經深入體内難以根除。而最後出現的櫻花的花詞為"新生",而且櫻花盛開的時間很短,如同人類的生命雖然短暫卻很美麗。 我常常會在不同時候想象自己因事故死亡的樣子,想多了就開始對死後的世界產生了興趣,於是便以自己想象中的死後世界發展出了這個作品。

This work is represented in the form of a comic strip which is talking about the world after death and the way to Newborn.I usually think that maybe I will die in a random accident because I always see such accidents which kills hundreds of people and I feel even I can be dead in those dangers,at the same time I started imagine what will happen after I die,this question leads me create this work.

ST118_3rd_亡了,忘了吧_Marker pen、粉彩_A3 size x 10 sheet, A4 art book with 25pages_1.jpg

"Death and Reborn" 2023 . Marker pen、粉彩. A3 size x 10 sheet, A4 art book with 25pages

2024 年度入圍學生藝術家
Outstanding Student Artist of 2024 - Finalist​

黎思慧 Lai Si Wai Phoebe

保良局董玉娣中學 Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College


Transform the insights in my heart and convey them to viewers are always the priority for me. It will deliver a stronger message and impress viewers way more without a doubt.Thanks to this thought, I get more motivation and passion to create, draw and design more artworks, so as to enrich myself.

IMG_8899 - SW Lai.jpeg

"Constraint of College 學校的限制"



Starting from form 4, more homework, assignments and quizzes are assigned for us to complete. Compared to junior form, I feel like I have way more to bear on my shoulders. During the years of schooling, I sometimes find myself exhausted and losing in both motivation and direction. In the artwork, I used two different materials to manifest my academic stress. In the pencil sketching part, the girl who wears school uniform is me, being upside down and lying down in the darkness. Having empty eyes while my hair is stuck and pulled by clamps and tapes. Meanwhile, my legs are locked by chains of clips. I combined stationaries and torturing instruments on purpose, so as to emphasize the pressure that school brings to me.

ST012_1st_Constraint of College_2023_Acrylic and pencil on canvas_91 x 61 cm.jpg

"Constraint of College" 2023. Acrylic and pencil on canvas. 91 x 61 cm

"Infinite Copies 無限複製"



The focal point of this artwork is the education system of Hong Kong. I hope to resonate with all Hong Kong students. Hong Kong schools consider students’ academic results and success, as well as conduct. Schools expect students to be flawless, impeccable and perfect. For me, schools are similar to factories at this point. Students are just like products in the commercial world, being copied and copied. Many schools neglect diversified learning. This sadly limits the personal growth and development of students. With the concept of product-like students and the form of gundam model, students are presented as products. They would eventually be sold and sent to the cruel society after graduation.

"Infinite Copies" 2023. 3D work and graphic design.19 x 29 x 6 cm

"ldeal vs Reality 理想與現實"



This artwork focuses on the ideal and reality of society after students’ graduation. Two different colors, red and green are utilized. With the chaos of layers, the clash of ideal and reality is well-presented. On the red layer, elements like cool car, gorgeous mansion and money waves are used to represent the typical impressions of being rich and successful. What I hope to show is the ideal, but unrealistic yearning of fresh graduates. On the green layer, skyscrapers, locked exit, computer and upside down workers can be found. I hope to convey the cruel reality of society. Nonstop working and worksing, maybe the only reason to work is just to buy a flat in this flourishing, little city called Hong Kong.

"ldeal vs Reality" 2024. Marker on paper. 59.4 x 84.1 cm

2024 年度入圍學生藝術家
Outstanding Student Artist of 2024 - Finalist​

林佳穎 LAM Kai Wing

Po On Commercial Association Wong Siu Ching Secondary School


I have learnt traditional Chinese painting since I was 6 years old . This art form allows me to capture the essence of nature and establish spiritual connection. I have developed a deep appreciation for the style and the variation of ink in traditional Chinese painting.It is my sincere hope that my artwork can inspire others and bring joy to everyone.

WhatsApp 圖片2024-06-1321.39.15_39ccec79.jpg

"Panda Commodification 熊貓商品化 "



In this artwork,I explore how humans treat pandas as products in order to gain advantage. The pandas are fragile and sick because of the immune treatment and panda diplomacy. Hence, some of them become keychain and some are lying on the ground .

"Panda Commodification" 2023. Mixed media. 80cmx85cmx50cm

"Futuristic Flower 未來之花 "



The futuristic lotus is made up of electric wire and gear which will attract a lot of butterflies in the future. Due to serious pollution, the butterflies will become endangered species in the future . Hence, scientists will invent electronic flowers to attract them and take samples.