入圍名單公佈 SHORTLIST ANNOUNCED May 13, 2024我們很高興地宣布,入圍15強的名單已經公佈!We are pleased to announce that the list of the top 15 finalists has been published!入圍名單請瀏覽 Please visit the shortlist list: https://www.artatall.org/4-5th-osaaward 請繼續關注我們的下一步動向! Please continue to follow our next steps!#AnnounceTop15 #ThanksForSupport #公佈入圍15強 #感謝支持
我們很高興地宣布,入圍15強的名單已經公佈!We are pleased to announce that the list of the top 15 finalists has been published!入圍名單請瀏覽 Please visit the shortlist list: https://www.artatall.org/4-5th-osaaward 請繼續關注我們的下一步動向! Please continue to follow our next steps!#AnnounceTop15 #ThanksForSupport #公佈入圍15強 #感謝支持
🎉 第4.5屆香港傑出學生藝術家獎頒獎禮圓滿成功!The 4.5th Hong Kong Outstanding Student Artist Award Ceremony was a great success! 🏆