Students currently enrolled in local or international secondary schools in 2016/17 can be nominated by their school teachers or principals. Students who were enrolled in 2015/16 may be considered.
In the event of inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of all the terms and conditions of this promotion, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Principals, teachers and participating students must agree to abide by the following requirements and arrangements:
◆ All submissions must be original pieces. Violation will result in disqualification and received prizes will be returned
◆ Finalists must attend an interview session with the judges in late May 2017. Absence will be considered as withdrawal of entry
◆ Finalists must take part in the Student Artists Public Exhibition on 23-28 August 2017
◆ The organiser reserves the final decision for any particular entries
Enrollment Guidelines
A. Online Application (applying under school name)
Participating student artists must be nominated by teachers or principals. The applying procedure is as below:
◆ Nomination is open until 03 March 2017
◆ Nominators must fill in the online application: Link here
◆ Each school can nominate 3 student artists maximum
◆ An email confirmation will be sent within 2 weeks of receiving online
◆ Please note that a link for online portfolio submission will be sent along with the confirmation e-mail
B. Portfolios Submission (submission by student)
Please submit the following 4 items online by 07 April 2017:
1. Artworks information (title, medium & size etc.)
2. Artist statements: write about your artistic concepts, according to the 3 art pieces submitted:
● 150 words maximum in Chinese or English
3. Requirements for artwork images:
● Amount: Each entrant can only submit at most 3 images. 1 image for each artwork. Images can consist of different angles of the artwork
● Format: JPG (3 files), 300dpi, A4 size under 3MB. There is no limitation on layout format
4. Format requirements for artwork development:
● Amount: Each entrant can submit at most 10 pages to elaborate their research and creative process
● Format: PDF (1 file), A4 size under 5MB, Chinese or English are accepted. There is no limitation on layout format.
Judgment Procedures
◆ First Stage: Selection
Judges will choose around 30* student artists from all the applications. Results will be e-mailed to the students in early May 2017
◆ Second Stage: Meeting with the Judges
Judges will meet with the selected student artists in late May 2017, and choose around 15* finalists. During this session, student artists can display their authentic artwork and explain their ideas. Please note that absence will be considered as withdrawal of entry
Result & Prize Giving Ceremony
All results will be announced during prize giving ceremony on 26 August 2017 (Sat) at 4/F, Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre.
◆ Around 15* Finalists will be selected to compete the Outstanding Student Artists Award
◆ The best 1 to 3* student artists will receive the Outstanding Student Artist Award
* Actual number of finalists and outstanding student artists depends on the quality of participating student artists
Winners will receive sponsorship for a trip to Venice for the “57th Venice Biennale” (Sponsorship includes: a round trip ticket from HK to Venice, HKD5,000 for accommodation and a ticket for the Venice Biennale). All finalists will be awarded certificates, and the Outstanding Student Artists will be awarded trophies. All finalists will have the chance to compete for “Oh Sa!” Prize presented by our alumni committee members.
Student Artists Exhibition *
All finalists and awarded students will showcase their work between 23–28 August 2017 at 5/F Exhibition Hall in the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre.
Date for Setting up: 21-22/08/2017
Date for Dismantlement: 29/08/2017
◆ The organizer has the right to quote from materials submitted by entrants (all student artists included) for academic research and promotional purposes.
◆ The organizer reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions and holds the final decision without notification.
* Actual number of finalists and outstanding student artists depends on the quality of participating student artists
Important Dates
03/03/2017 (Friday) Deadline of Nomination
07/04/2017 (Friday) Deadline of Submission for Portfolio
Early May Announcement of First Stage Results
Late May Second Stage Interview
08/07/2017 (Saturday) Announcement of Finalists
26/08/2017 (Saturday) Prize Giving Ceremony
Contact and Enquiry
Ms. Fung
fosterfung@artatall.org / 60448962