香港傑出學生藝術家奬2015-頒奬典禮及評審分享 Prize Giving Ceremony & Judges Sharing Session
日期:2015年7月12日 (日)
Date: 12.7.2015 (sun)
Time: 4:30-6:00pm- Judges Sharing
6:00-6:30pm- Prize Giving Ceremony
Venue: The Lecture Theatre on Level 4 of Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
* 預約出席分享會及頒奬禮,網上預約 Please reserve the seats online
Based on the theme “How to select the outstanding student artists?”, judges will share their thoughts on the award and art education.
分享評審 Sharing Judges
方詠甄女士 西九文化管理局(教育)策展人
Ms. Stella Fong, Curator (Learning and Interpretation), M+
連美嬌女士 康文署藝術推廣辦事處館長
Ms. Ivy Lin, Curator of Art Promotion Office
劉家明先生 本地藝術收藏家
Mr. Alan LAU, Local Art Collector
黃照達先生 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院講師
Mr. Justin Wong, Lecturer, Academy of Visual Arts, HKBU
黄傑瑜先生 藝術拍賣行董事
Mr. Jonathan Wong, Art Auction House Director
胡海光先生 art-at-all 聯合創辦
Mr. Jason Woo, Co-founder of art-at-all
主持:陳偉倫先生 art-at-all主席
Mr. Davis CHAN, Chairperson of art-at-all
*分享會以廣東話進行 Sharing session will be conducted in Cantonese