「第4.5屆香港傑出學生藝術家獎」頒予就讀中學的學生藝術家,強調創作歷程、個性和藝術潛質,所以不限有否修讀藝術相關課程。本屆設四類獎項,包括「年度傑出學生藝術家」、「傑出學生藝術家」、「傑出藝術學生領袖 」及由歷屆入圍者選出的「Oh Sa!」。凡於2023-24學年就讀本地及國際學校中學生,皆可接受該校教師或校長提名參選。
提名截止日期:2024 年 3月22 日( 五 )
The originally scheduled 4th edition for 2022 has been cancelled due to the pandemic, now announcing the reboot in 2024, hosting the 4.5th edition!!
"THE 4.5thOUTSTANDING STUDENT ARTIST AWARD OF HONG KONG (OSA Award)" is given to student artists in secondary schools, emphasizing the creative process, personality, and artistic potential, so it is not limited to whether they have taken art-related courses. This edition has four categories of awards, including “The Best Outstanding Student Artist” , “The Outstanding Student Artist”, “The Best Student Leader” and "Oh Sa!" selected by nominees from previous Osaward. All secondary school students attending local and international schools in the 2023-24 school year can be nominated for selection by their school teachers or principals.
Nomination deadline : March 22, 2024 (Friday)
More detail : https://www.artatall.org/4-5th-osa-award