上星期日我們成功舉行了第4.5屆香港傑出學生藝術家獎面試日,首先感謝 Chak & Associates LLP 的場地支持。
馮美華 女士(獨立文藝工作者)
林嵐 女士(藝術家)
Ms. Candice Lee(香港亞洲藝術創辦人及董事)
譚偉平 先生(香港中文大學藝術系副教授)
梁徐錦熹 博士(Ora-Ora畫廊及香港畫廊協會聯合創辦人)
📣 另外提醒大家,學生的作品集已在我們的網站上更新,歡迎大家前往欣賞!
🎨 我們現在開始籌備展覽,期待在8月的展覽上與大家見面!
Last Sunday, we successfully held our Interview Day! First, we'd like to extend a huge thank you to Chak & Associates LLP for venue support!
Our interview panel this time included:
Ms. May Fung (Independent Art & Cultural Worker)
Ms. Jaffa Lam (Artist)
Ms. Candice Lee (Founder and Director of Asia Art Hong Kong)
Mr. Tam Wai Ping, Lukas (Associate Professor, Department of Fine Arts, CUHK)
Dr. Henrietta Tsui-Leung (Co-Founder of Ora-Ora Art Group and HK Art Gallery Association)
📣 Additionally, we remind everyone that the students' portfolios have been updated on our website. Feel free to visit and appreciate their work!
🎨 We are now starting to prepare for the exhibition and look forward to seeing everyone in August!
📸 Check out the highlights from the day, capturing many unforgettable moments!