感謝各位學校和老師參與「 第4.5屆香港傑出學生藝術家獎」! Thank you to all the schools and teachers for participating in "The 4.5th Outstanding Student Artist Award of Hong Kong"!
我們已經收到了參加同學的作品集,並且所有的確認信都已經寄出。請各同學檢查您的電子郵件,如果您還沒有收到確認信或需要補交資料,請儘快與我們聯絡。 We have received all student artwork collections, and confirmation emails have been sent out. Please check your email inbox. If you haven't received a confirmation email or need to submit additional information, please contact us as soon as possible.
The artwork collections are currently being organized and will soon be passed on to the judges for the first stage of review. We look forward to seeing your wonderful creations!
Once again, thank you all for your participation and support!
有關「第4.5屆香港傑出學生藝術家獎」詳情請到網頁 For details about "THE 4.5th OUTSTANDING STUDENT ARTIST AWARD OF HONG KONG", please visit the website: https://www.artatall.org/4-5th-osa-award 別忘了關注我們的Facebook( artatallhongkong ) 和 Instagram (art_at_all_hk),能第一時間獲得有關 OSA Award 的最新資訊和即將舉行的活動。 Don't forget to follow us on Facebook (artatallhongkong) and Instagram (art_at_all_hk) to stay updated on the latest information and upcoming events related to the OSA Award.